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Frozen Pipes


Here is a list of helpful tips and strategies to help you prevent your water and drain lines from freezing.
(if your pipes are already frozen click here)

  1. Wind blowing on pipes is the culprit for many freeze ups so it’s important to protect your water and drain lines from freezing winds.

    • Survey around the outside of your home and make sure crawlspace covers are closed and sealed.
    • If you live in a mobile home, make certain there are no openings in the ‘skirting’ around the base.
    • You want to look for any openings where freezing winds can penetrate and cause your pipes to freeze.
    • You want block off and seal any openings where freezing winds can penetrate and cause your pipes to freeze.
    • And while you are surveying the outside of your house, disconnect any hoses that are still attached to the outside faucet.
    • Wrap exposed pipes with heat tape and insulation.
  2. When the outside temperatures fall to single digits, keep a trickle of water running from your faucets at all times.

    • This is true for both hot- and cold-water lines.
    • Surprisingly hot water lines can freeze sooner than cold water lines.
    • The cost of wasting hot & cold water is cheap insurance vs. the inconvenience of not having water and cost of thawing and repairing broken water lines.
  3. In extreme outside cold temperatures leave your bathroom lavatory vanity and kitchen sink cupboard doors cracked open.

    • This will help keep the temperature under your sink warmer.
    • This is especially important for fixtures located on outside walls.
    • The same thing applies for doors to seldom used bathrooms – leave them open.
  4. If you have a programmable thermostat, don’t try to save energy in extreme cold temperatures by turning your heat down at night.

    • Set your thermostat where it’s comfortable and press HOLD for the duration of the extreme cold.
    • You'll keep your house warmer plus studies show that setting your thermostat back when the outside temp falls below 20 F doesn't actually save money.
    • Then once the cold spell is over, release the hold on your thermostat to restart the program.
    • Plus in extreme cold, if you set back the temperature at night your system may struggle just to keep up let alone get the temperature back to the higher daytime setting.
  5. If you heat your home with a boiler, in extreme cold keep all of your heating zones working 24/7.

    • Don’t try to save money by turning down the thermostat in unused areas or zones of your house.
    • Water that isn’t moving will freeze more easily. You want your pumps to circulate water all the time.
    • A freeze up in a single zone can take out your entire heating system. This can be catastrophic and lead to MAJOR damage and expense.
    • Consider adding antifreeze to your boiler system. It will reduce your heating efficiency and add additional cost, but it can help prevent your system from freezing up. Call for more information.
  6. To prevent your heating system from failing in extreme cold weather, have it serviced annually.

    • Major damage from freeze ups can happen quickly. Make certain your system is performing well in advance to avoid a preventable breakdown.
    • The old saying ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ was never truer than in making certain your heating system will function when you need it.
    • This will give you peace of mind during extreme cold temperatures.
  7. If you’re away from your home during extreme cold, monitor the temperature while you’re gone.

    • If the temperature in your home drops due to a heating system failure you need to know as soon as possible to avoid freeze damage.
    • Consider installing a temperature monitoring device like a Wi-Fi thermostat to alert you of a system failure.
    • Consider Vincent’s Heating & Plumbing’s free Valet Service for when you need plumbing or HVAC service in your home while you’re away. Click Here for more information
  8. Consider winterizing your home while you are gone.

    • Turn off the water to your home.
    • Have the lines drained and blown dry with compressed air.
    • Turn off and drain your water heater.
    • Put approved ‘potable’ RV antifreeze in your drain traps. (Do not use automotive anti-freeze.)
    • Give us a call for more information or if we can help you with this.


  1. Deal with frozen pipes ASAP. The longer you delay, the greater and more extensive (and expensive) the damage will be.

    • When water freezes it will expand. The longer you delay, the greater the potential you will have for frozen/split pipes.
  2. Raise the temperature in an area that is frozen. Get a portable space heater and warm the area.

    • WARNING: DO NOT USE AN OPEN FLAME LIKE A PROPANE TORCH. Too many house fires have been caused by using a torch to thaw pipes.
    • Open all the faucets in your bathrooms. Water will flow from them when the pipes finally thaw. Then leave water running as described in 2 in the prior section.
    • Warning: you may likely have to deal with plumbing repairs from split water lines.
  3. Contact a plumbing professional like Vincent’s Heating & Plumbing.

    • Your homeowner’s insurance may provide coverage to reimburse your cost for thawing frozen pipes and needed repairs to restore your plumbing. Verify this with your insurance agent.
    • Our plumbers have equipment to thaw with frozen pipes.